
Vibrant and diverse community that focuses on sharing books

About Us

Doraluna SPC is a Social Purpose company that was founded on the simple but powerful principle; all children should have access to books and educational tools. We celebrate diversity, provoke curiosity, and spur children’s imaginations. For kids of all ages, cultures, and backgrounds, we provide free children’s books and book competitions. 

We thrive to fulfill our mission in two ways

  1. By offering a vast collection of free children’s books, we enable kids to enthusiastically consume as many books as they want despite their cultural, ethnic, or financial background. For every book you buy on our website we donate a book to a child who does not have the means to buy the book
  2. We encourage children to share their own stories through our writing/drawing competitions

Doraluna believes in destroying the barriers that stop children from having a full and rich childhood. We help children develop crucial skills, make great memories, and forge bonds with kindred spirits around the world. Through our open reading platform and story writing/drawing competitions, we encourage children to not just indulge in worlds created by various authors but to create their own for others to enjoy.

Doraluna SPC is a Social Purpose company that was founded on the simple but powerful principle; all children should have access to books and educational tools., we celebrate diversity, arouse curiosity, and stimulate children’s imaginations. We thrive to fulfill our mission in two ways By offering a vast collection of free children’s books, we enable kids to enthusiastically consume as many books as they want despite their cultural, ethnic, or financial background. For every book you buy on our website we donate a book to a child who does not have the means to buy the book We encourage children to share their own stories through our writing/drawing competitions Dora Luna believes in destroying the barriers that stop children from having a full and rich childhood. We help children develop crucial skills, make great memories, and forge bonds with kindred spirits around the world. Through our open reading platform and story writing/drawing competitions, we encourage children to not just indulge in worlds created by various authors but to create their own for others to enjoy.

Mission & Vision


Doraluna provides access to educational books, items and competitive activities, inspiring children to develop their skills and expand their worldview.


Our vision is to create a world that empowers children to indulge their imaginations and relish the novelties of childhood.

We spur the growth of children by exposing them to thousands of new worlds, strong role models, and powerful life lessons found within the pages of books they love.

Our vision is to create a world that empowers children to indulge their imaginations and relish the novelties of childhood.